Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Don’t get too close to me, I’ve got a bug or virus and I keep sneezing. Six or seven sneezes in a row gets beyond a joke.
I had hoped to finish a drawing I’m working on for someone today, but then I get to sneezing and sneezing. I can’t look at the drawing when I sneeze or it would make a mess. I can’t draw while I’m looking away, or that would be even worse and I can’t keep the pencil on the paper when I sneeze either or...
Well, I’m sure you get the picture. Lol
Anyway, I looked at this photo of Huka falls in New Zealand. It's basicly the run-off from a hydro dam. Well, I got to wondering how much power is in a sneeze. Could a sneeze be harnessed and used to produce elecitricity?
If so, how many sneezes would be needed to run a light? Imagine trying to harness enough sneezes to power a whole city or even an electric train? And what would they have to do to keep people sneezing? eek.
Another thing I thought of as I looked at this photo, was the awesome power of God's love. There is nothing to compare with the love of our Lord. Water can seep through a tiny gap, it can mold and shape the earth, but it can't mold and soften a heart of stone. Only the love of God can do that.
Excuse me, I got to go and sne... sne... sneeze.