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Friday, October 27, 2006
Morning song
The sun isn't up yet and the gray half-light covers the land. Hardly a car to be heard. Heavy clouds speak of rain.

The birds here this morning are singing with a newness of joy like they do following a long awaited shower.

I can hear finches, larks, blackbirds, starlings, sparrows, song thrush and many more.

What birds do you hear in the mornings? Are you surrounded by trees full of morning and evening song? Do you listen to their different voices and marvel at the sound?

Oh Lord, the birds sing their praises to You each morning. How wise we would be, if we did the same.
posted by Rulan at 6:19 AM | Permalink |


  • At 7:03 AM, October 27, 2006, Blogger jel

    morning Sis!

    Awesome post!

  • At 7:07 AM, October 27, 2006, Blogger Rulan

    Hi Janice. Good morning sis. It's good to see you.

  • At 7:09 AM, October 27, 2006, Blogger David Meigs

    Nobody would ever accuse me of singing like a bird, but praising God in the morning is the perfect way to start the day... and end it too.

  • At 7:27 AM, October 27, 2006, Blogger Rulan

    Hi David. Come now, I'm sure you sing real purdy. Yes, praising the Lord is an awesome start to the day.

  • At 10:23 PM, October 27, 2006, Blogger Ame

    wow ... how beautiful :)

    i live in a suburb of a large city where we have zero lot lines. i can hear dogs barking and sometimes birds, but i have no idea what they are ... well, except the two parakeets we still have that drive me nuts but my girls love - and they just squawk; very irritating.

    how amazing that God's creation worships Him! all of His creation sings His praises and bows before Him - i absolutely LOVE that!!!

  • At 12:48 PM, October 28, 2006, Blogger Amy

    Usually most mornings we can hear tuis and blackbirds calling out to each other. We live in a very rural country part of Northland where the nearest city is an hour away and there is farmland around us for miles and miles. It's amazing how God's creatures are so different and yet seem to sing their praises to the one who made them.

  • At 6:01 PM, October 29, 2006, Blogger Rulan

    Ame, hi there. Thank you.
    I live in the city, but sometimes the birds sing so pretty. :)

    Dogs and parakeets, eh? mmm Sounds like you should teach the birds to sing.

    God's is awesome.

  • At 6:04 PM, October 29, 2006, Blogger Rulan

    Amy, hi there. My sister used to live up north and when we used to visit, we often heard the kiwi and Tui calling from the bush.

    I miss the Tui. We used to live in Auckland and there were a lot of them there.

  • At 6:07 PM, October 29, 2006, Blogger Rulan

    Tim, hi there. Awesome. Thank you so much for your new address.

    I get up about 3 or 4 in the morning, so the birds wake up later than me also. lol

    God bless,

  • At 10:27 PM, October 29, 2006, Blogger Amy

    we lived in Auckland too, I was born and raised there, nice to meet another Aucklander