Well, my friends,
It’s been awhile since I last posted a blog, sorry about that. Nano
kept me rather busy and tired. I am still trying to catch up on
sleep. To everyone who cheered me on through nano, thank you.
Your encouragement was such a blessing.
I didn’t make it to the 50,000, but I do have 24,595 words which,
with a bit of tweaking and the gathering of ideas, have the makings
for a novel. If a dear friend hadn’t pushed me into the fray, the idea
may never have seen the light of day. Nor would I have learned as
much about myself as I did.
Thank you my friend. You know who you are.
Oh, if you're wondering about the cat photo, it is of my Grandma's
old Max. I posted his photo here because it says a little about how
I felt during nano.
Nice cat, does it know any tricks? (or was it playing dead?) Good to have you back Kid.