At 11:54 AM, September 15, 2005, Francine Biere
Rulan, since I've been traveling and preparing to travel, and then unwinding from traveling, I was unable to visit here. What beauty and refreshment I've encountered as I scrolled down through all your posts I haven't seen. I'm truly overwhelmed by your gifts of art and words ... just breathtaking. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings, Francine
At 5:27 AM, September 16, 2005, Rulan
David, "Ride em cow girl" for sure, that's me all right. chuckle. The mermaid grew surprisingly fast. She is now 10 and she told me off in no uncertain way, for my not mentioning her name. ooh, I'm in trouble. lol
Francine, lovely to see you back. Hope your travelling went well. Thank you for your encouraging words, you are too kind. :)
John, the cow was my husbands calf club pet. Her name was Ginger. She was so quiet that we could sit on her back so we did, just for fun. Problem was, she usually stood stock still so we never really rode her. There was one cow who would let us sit on her for a few momments then buck us off. lol
Yee Haw! Ride em COW girl!
Hey, about the second pic..., was that baby mermaid bog enough to keep?